car insurance

Probably one of the worst fucking scams in all of existance. Sure it's fine if you buy a brand new Dodge Challenger with a mother fucken hemi and some nigger tryin to hit his crack pipe smashes right into back of you while you're at a stop light. Then you get your car fixxed or replaced. But I'm talking about us poor ass college students who work fucking minimum wage and can't even afford to fucken eat because we have to pay out half of our fucking paycheck just to "ensure" we can cover that crack smokin nigger can get his rims replaced or some shit. If the minimum liabily rates werent so high it wouldn't be a fucking scam and since they rarely drop itas it is the thousands of dollars you shell out are never returned to you.... Those basterd will never give you a fuckking penny in your life.... I mean the agent at state farm gave me a fucking a can ...that's it. When I drink Coke I want in a fucking bottle you mother fuckering Insurance Agent basterd FUKK
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to car insurance. Some of the top words include: 2 litre of faygo, nitr0gen, Vanilla Coke, credit card, ford, and 25 more.